tirsdag 4. november 2008

Things I Miss and Things I Could be Without

I miss:
1) FRIENDS! Yes I will admit it, I miss my friends! I miss having real friends who I actually like. Here, you're put together with a group of people from all over the world who you are expected to be friends with just because you are in the same situation (Au pair group). I'm so sick of the whole "lets get to know each other", become friends, and then after a while when you really get to know each other, find out you don't really like each other that much after all. Not one single friend that I have here, would be the type of person I would hang out with at home. And I'm not saying it's everybody else's fault, it's probably just me who is completely picky.

2) MY BIRD. I can't believe how much I miss my bird. Got him when I was 9. He died this morning and it just makes me so incredibly sad that I never get to hold him again. I miss my little grumpy featherball!!!!!

3) Other stuff: All the funny moments with Rebecca and all the terrible cooking we did. Norwegian butter, milk and bread. Watching movies all night w/my dad and Rebecca. Grocery shopping w/my mom and little brother on a Saturday and planning what we're having for dinner that night. Watching Desperate Housewives w/my mom. The "Saturday-feeling!"

I could be without:
1) THE DRAMA. Ok, in the very beginning, it was kinda fun, but now, I'm just soo incredibly sick of it! I really really really need to learn how to shut my mouth because no matter what I say or do, it gets me into a situation I don't want to be in! Even the tiniest things I say can cause some sort of drama 'CAUSE EVERYTHING'S SUCH A BIG DEAL. I just really need to learn how to STAY out of stuff !

2) GOSSIP. Oh god. If you know something that I'm probably not supposed to know, then DON'T TELL ME cuz I don't wanna hear it! (Especially not if you're gonna twist everything you and other people say!)
People are not supposed to know everything. I get that your life might not be that exciting, but have ya considered volunteer work?!

3) STRESS. I don't even know why I'm stressed out all the time. I live a pretty darn relaxing life. I'm probably stressed cuz there are so many little things that I need to remember, and I dont exactly have the memory of an elephant! (more like Dory in Finding Nemo). I can't remember anything at all unless I write it down. And when I start writing things down, I have to write absolutely everything down in order to remember the other things as well. Then I start obsessing over all the little things and my list and as soon as everything is on the list, it's out of my brain, and if I lose the list, then I'm screwed! So yeah, don't know why I'm stressed..

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