lørdag 15. mai 2010

When you least expect it..

...it hits you right in the head.. from behind.. or actually -punches you in the stomach.
Yep, didn't see that one coming. I'm slowly "recovering", but still didn't see it coming.. At all.
3 exams + 1 presentation next week and I am not feeling overwhelmed at all. Not even stressed out. I really wonder why 'cause usually I'll be freaking out right about now considering how little I've been studying the last couple days. Let's just say my mind has been occupied with other things and everytime I sit down to study, my thoughts wander off to somewhere else. Usually Worry-land. Without going into detail, let me just say this; Life can totally be a bitch sometimes. And when Life decides to screw me over, I don't always know how to handle the situations that well, which really blows.
That was my venting for the day. Moving on!
I've been deciding on classes for next semester lately, and I think I've got it down now. Still haven't picked a major yet, which is kind of bad, like really, I'm freakin' 23 years old, I should have some sort of idea! But noo! There's too much I want to pick, that's the problem -picking one thing! Ahh this certainly isn't helping. So what have I been doing today.. Woke up, did a little studying, started to clean/organize the boys' stuff, went to Toys R us with boys, came home with boys, had a piano-dance-party with boys, made boys snacks, played legos with boys, went outside and played basketball with boys, went for a walk down to the beach with boys, came home, cooked dinner for boys, went to Toys R us AGAIN with boys (yeah!), came home, played with boys, cleaned up toys with boys, put boys to bed, did laundry, cleaned kitchen, fed Cat, and then here I am. That was my exciting day!
Tomorrow is a 17 Mai-party which me and two other Norwegian girls are going to, and Im soo looking forward to it!!!!! I havent been home on 17 Mai in such a long time..
"Og det var Norge i rødt hvitt og blått!"

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